Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Get ready for SUMMER #3

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FITNESS Morning Cardio: 

Short bursts of cardio first thing in the morning will boost your metabolism.

HOW OFTEN? Do the cardio routine from week one on three days this week.
Quick Circuit

This 10-minute circuit will increase muscle mass and challenge muscles without causing stress to the body.

Do the following exercises in the evening on days that you have completed the cardio workout in the morning. Complete the circuit three times. Rest for 45 seconds after each one of the circuits (see week one for the instructions).- 12 squats with a 15-second hold when thighs are parallel to the ground.- 12 push-ups.- 12 squat jumps (lower your body into a squat, then push through your heels and spring up vertically).- 12 forward lunges.- 12 tricep dips.- 12 lunge jumps.- 12 burpees.- Two minutes of star jumps.

- Skinny stretches, as per week one, for five minutes.
Stay Mobile
Lactic acid is a waste product that builds up in muscles, making them feel stiff and sore. When you clear it out, you will move more freely and exercise better.
HOW? Have a deep-tissue massage this week to make the most out of this plan. Also, get adequate rest in this final phase. "Never work out for more than five consecutive days," says Duigan.

Oil Up

While you want to get rid of saturated, trans and animal fats, it's important to remember to include enough good fats in your diet. Not only will they help keep you fuller for longer, but they'll make your skin glow and your hair shine. Research suggests that regularly eating small amounts of mono-unsaturated fatty acids – a type of good fat found in foods such as almonds, seeds, avocados, olives and olive oil – could actually help our bodies to burn fat. Purcell recommends up to one tablespoon a day of tahini, avocado, flaxseed or olive oil to top up your levels.
Eat Chocolate
Yes, chocolate. Dark chocolate contains two compounds that can lower stress: anandamide, which binds to receptors in the brain known to bring feelings of euphoria, and phenylethylamine, naturally found in our nervous system and released in the brain when we fall in love. Eat up to three squares of chocolate with a cocoa content of 70 per cent this week. Purcell advises a raw version, as the cocoa's enzymes will be better preserved.
Get Bitter
Foods with a bitter taste will aid the digestion of fat and reduce bloating. "When the tastebuds that recognise bitter foods are triggered, the nerves responsible for the production of digestive juices and bile kick in," says Purcell. "Try rocket, watercress, artichoke, parsley, fennel, mint and fresh beetroot."

Week 1 +  Week 2.


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I am constantly looking at ways to make myself more authentic and true to myself. Here are some Ways to impress everyone around you without being materialistic.

Be authentic.  Be true to yourself. – Judy Garland once said, “Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of somebody else.”  Live by this statement.  There is no such thing as living in someone else’s shoes.  The only shoes you can occupy are your own.  If you aren’t being yourself, you aren’t truly living – you’re merely existing.  And ask yourself this:  If you don’t like who you really are, why should I like you?

Care about people. – If you don’t genuinely care about people, they won’t care about you.  The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.  Love and kindness begets love and kindness.  And so on and so forth.

Make others feel good. – People will rarely remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.

Be honest and take ownership of your actions. – Nobody likes a liar.  In the long-run, the truth always reveals itself anyway.  Either you own up to your actions or your actions will ultimately own you.

Smile often. – Everyone likes the sight of a genuine smile.  Think about how you feel when a complete stranger looks into your eyes and smiles.  Suddenly they don’t seem like a stranger anymore, do they?

Respect elders.  Respect minors.  Respect everyone. – There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected.  Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.  People will notice your kindness.

Address people by their name. – People love the sight and sound of their own name.  So make sure you learn to remember names.  Use them courteously in both oral and written communication.

Say “Please” and “Thank you.” – These two simple phrases make demands sound like requests, and they inject a friendly tone into serious conversations.  Using them can mean the difference between sounding rude and sounding genuinely grateful.

Excel at what you do. – I am impressed by great guitarists, writers, bloggers, painters, motivational speakers, internet entrepreneurs, computer engineers, mothers, fathers, athletes, etc.  There is only one thing they all have in common: They excel at what they do.  There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it right.  Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies.  Develop a reputation for yourself, a reputation for consistent excellence.

Help others when you’re able. – In life, you get what you put in.  When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life.  Do something that’s greater than you – something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less.  Everyone values the gift of unexpected assistance and those who supply it.

Put a small personal touch on everything you do. – Think of it as branding your work.  If you’re funny, add a little humor into it.  If you’re an artist, decorate it with illustrations.  Whatever you do, customise it with a little personal touch of ‘you.’

Over-deliver on all of your promises. – Some people habitually make promises they are just barely able to fulfill.  They promise perfection and deliver mediocrity.  If you want to boost your personal value in the eyes of others, do the exact opposite.  Slightly under-sell your capabilities so that you’re always able to over-deliver.  It will seem to others like you’re habitually going above and beyond the call of duty.

Get organised. – How can you get anything accomplished if you aren’t organised?  You can’t.  Make a regular habit of organising your living space and working space.  

Do your research and ask clarifying questions. – Don’t be that clueless dude in the room who just nods like he knows what’s going on.  Prepare yourself by doing research ahead of time.  And if something still doesn’t make sense to you, ask questions.  The people involved will respect your desire to understand the material.

Share knowledge and information with others. – When you can, be a resource to those around you.  If you have access to essential information, don’t hoard it.  Share it openly.

Be positive and focus on what’s right. – Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad.  It just depends on your perspective.  And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should.  Either you succeed or you learn something.  So stay positive, appreciate the pleasant outcomes, and learn from the rest.  Your positivity will rub off on everyone around you.

Listen intently to what others have to say. – Eyes focused, ears tuned, mobile phone off.  In a world that can’t move fast enough, someone who can find time to listen to others is always appreciated.

Be faithful to your significant other. – Sustained fidelity in a long-term intimate relationship is not only impressive, it creates a healthy foundation for everything else you do.

Learn to appreciate and love Mother Nature. – Those who truly appreciate and love the natural world surrounding us typically exhibit the same high regard for all humanity.  It’s a positive way to live, and it’s something people notice.

Invest time, energy and money in yourself every day. – When you invest in yourself, you can never lose, and over time you will change the trajectory of your life.  You are simply the product of what you know.  The more time, energy and money you spend acquiring pertinent knowledge, the more control you have over your life and the more valuable you will be to everyone around you. 

Perform random acts of kindness on a regular basis. – Pay for a stranger’s coffee in line at Starbucks.  Buy the office receptionist flowers just to say, “Thank you.”  Help an elderly lady with her groceries.  There’s nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you.

Compliment people who deserve it. – Go out of your way to personally acknowledge and complement the people who have gone out of their way to shine.  Everybody likes to hear that their efforts are appreciated.

Speak clearly and make eye contact. – Most people have a very low tolerance for dealing with people they can’t understand.  Mystery does not fuel strong relationships and impressiveness.  Also, there’s little doubt that eye contact is one of the most captivating forms of personal communication.  When executed properly, eye contact injects closeness into human interaction.

Make yourself available and approachable. – If people cannot get a hold of you, or have trouble approaching you, they will forget about you.  Your general availability and accessibility to others is extremely important to them.  Always maintain a positive, tolerant attitude and keep an open line of communication to those around you.

Be self-sufficient. – Freedom is the greatest gift.  Self-sufficiency is the greatest freedom.  And self-sufficiency is quite impressive too.   In the business world, it’s one of the primary dreams that inspire people to give-up their day jobs to pursue entrepreneurship.

Exploit the resources you do have access to. – The average person is usually astonished when they see a physically handicapped person show intense signs of emotional happiness.  How could someone in such a restricted physical state be so happy?  The answer rests in how they use the resources they do have.  Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it.

Be a part of something you believe in. – This could be anything.  Some people take an active role in their local city council, some find refuge in religious faith, some join social clubs supporting causes they believe in, and others find passion in their careers.  In each case the psychological outcome is the same.  They engage themselves in something they strongly believe in.  This engagement brings happiness and meaning into their lives.  It’s hard not to be impressed by someone who’s passionate about what they’re doing.

Stand up for your beliefs without flaunting them. – Yes, it is possible to stand up for your beliefs without foisting them down someone else’s throat.  Discuss your personal beliefs when someone asks about them, but don’t spawn offensive attacks of propaganda on unsuspecting victims.  Stand firm by your values and always keep an open mind to new information.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012


Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.54 0 komentar

Just Divine. How to do the French Fishtail Seashell Braid.

parenting MONDAYS

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We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love. Mother Teresa

Positive Uses of Guilt

  1. Guilt is our conscience talking. Just because we don’t like feeling guilty doesn’t mean that there isn’t something to feel guilty about. Guilt is a signal to take a look at our part in our relationship with our child and whether or not we have done what we believe in our hearts is good enough parenting. Guilt is our internal alarm system that signals that maybe we’re not living up to our own expectations of ourselves.
  2. Guilt can make us pay better attention to what we are doing as parents. Guilt is a thinking emotion. Yes, we feel bad. But along with the feeling is usually some version of “I should have, could have, wish I had” that can be useful in its own way. It makes us consider whether we really should have or could have done something different and, if so, what we can do next to better the situation.
  3. Guilt can be a motivator to do something. Nobody likes to carry feelings of guilt around for long. It can be the push we need to make some changes in our lives so we come closer to being the parent we want to be.
  4. When not over-done, showing our guilt can be a way to make the child we’ve let down (however unintentionally) feel better and can help heal the relationship. When the teen sees us feeling guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed, the teen feels heard and sees that his or her feelings or needs are respected.
On the other hand, guilt can immobilise the individual and distance people from one another.

jane birking and kate barry

Negative Uses of Guilt

  1. Guilt can let us off the hook from making change. If we look like we feel bad enough, the person we’ve wronged ends up feeling sorry for us and doesn’t feel entitled to ask us to do something we really ought to be doing.
  2. Guilt can be a passive-aggressive way to assign blame. Some mothers are masters at using guilt to manipulate. Our children want and need our approval. Because feeling disconnected from a parent’s love is frightening, children do respond to the “guilt trip.” Young children will do almost anything to get back into Mum’s favour. Teens, however, respond to guilt with some combination of anger and their own guilt, causing the relationship to break down further.
  3. Guilt can be a way to punish ourselves. If we can’t change what has happened; if we can’t figure out how to make things right; if we see ourselves as having been a terrible mother, we can at least have the decency to beat ourselves up with guilt for a very, very long time. It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t repair a troubled relationship with our child. Atonement is a poor second choice to reparations but sometimes it feels easier.
  4. Guilt can be a poor substitute for feelings of self-worth. When a mum doesn’t believe she can live up to her own standards, she can at least show that she’s a good person by feeling guilty about it. Real self-esteem requires working on actually achieving those standards, not sitting in good intentions.
It is inevitable in family life, and especially in family life in the teen years, that our kids will at times feel misunderstood, and that we moms will over- or underreact to choices they make. When people are engaged with each other, it’s impossible not to step on one another’s toes now and then. When teens are doing the hard work of separating from family and asserting their individuality but at the same trying to stay connected, they may say harsh things, make poor choices, or push limits and get themselves into trouble.
Negative guilt ultimately gets in the way of doing what needs to be done to maintain healthy relationships while at the same time holding ourselves and our kids to healthy standards. Used well, guilt helps us feel empathy, connect to our child, and get busy making needed changes.

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

a touch of PINK

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Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

loving on FRIDAY around the blogosphere

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Photo: Sneak Peak from 2013 campaign. <3 A HUGE Thank You to Andrea & Leni, Rebecca Vitartas, Raeoni Davies, Emma Caldwell and Amy Lobb! Couldn't have done it all with out you!! <3 xxxxxx The rest of the images will be released early 2013.

~ I have introduced you to this fabulous photographer before. Alexandrena Parker has cystic fibrosis and she is following her dreams at becoming a photographer holding her own working with children. Above are two of her latest campaigns for Country Road and Tutu Du Monde. I am in awe of her amazing talent. 

~ Are you thinking of starting your own fashion blog? if so are you trying to think of a name that is unique and for you? Here are a few tips from ifb ...... 9 Easy Ways To Name Your Blog
1. Pick your favourite fashion related item and a dessert-type food, place both together
2. Throw a shout out to where you live
3. Add - ista to the end of a word often used in the fashion industry
4. Give yourself a quirky nickname. 
6. Ask a question about fashion
7. Pick an animal, then incorporate that animal into an aesthetic
8. Vogue and… [random object]
9. Something having to do with style. Really, it could be anything

~ In the spirit of the Olympic Games grab your free AUGUST desktop from the ever talented Tabitha Emma.

~ I have always been interested to know how Joanna achieved so much from her blog. You can read all about her story here. Blogging as a career from A Cup of JO. 

~ An idea to curb cyber bullying ~ Stop Harassing Me

~ Photos from The Olympics London 2012

Photo of #GreenwichPark by @seuj

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

my life my loves ~ WHEN LIFE CHANGES

Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.21 0 komentar

Before you read this I have been running this all through my head as I am not the type of person to bad mouth or cast judgement on people and I was not going to share this here on my blog, but I just had to, to help me along the way. It helps to write things down.........doesn't it? call it my online journal and therapy all rolled into one.

At the moment I am going through some real inner turmoil, tossing and turning wondering where my life is heading. I have a partner who has just up and left and been living somewhere else to only come home when our daughters need to be somewhere. I feel fortunate that I do not drive as my daughters may not be getting any time with their father at all. I have sensed our relationship breakdown over the last, say 10 months. At times I am finding it really hard with my emotions. What do you do after 20 years together and then it all falls apart? 

Today I am finding it tough and I really would like to find a job and start living my own life with my daughters. At the moment I am in limbo, not knowing which way to go. But the one thing I do know is that I love blogging and will always continue to do so. what an emotional roller coaster I have been on this year with the sadness of losing my father, the joy of my brother getting engaged and marrying April next year. I am so happy for him and his gorgeous wife and children.

get the look ~ EMMA STONE

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Dr Martins Sylvia Pink Shoes were $189.99 now $132.30 

style notes ~ The Eminence Dress from WISH

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Eminence Dress

I purchased this divine Eminence dress from Wish. I am totally in love with this versatile piece that epitomises femininity. I will be wearing this on Saturday for my grand-daughter's 2nd Birthday. As it is still cold I will be adding leggings and a black long sleeve underneath with black boots. In the warmer weather I will wear it with sandals. You can purchase one from The Iconic for  $159.00. I am now on the lookout for a feature necklace to wear and maybe some wrist bling. Should I keep the bling delicate or chunky? What would you choose? 

Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

How to do a FRENCH ROLL

Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.02 0 komentar

I am sure, just like myself, you all loved the latest up-do showcased in the Louis Vuitton parade. Here is the how to and pro tips for the French Roll from Marie Claire. I adored the addition of an exquisite and delicate headbands. So elegant, so poised!

1. Apply a body-building cream to damp hair and roughly blow-dry.
2. Spritz on a texturising lotion and scrunch it through your lengths to add bulk.3. Gather your hair at the nape of the neck and twist it, so you’re encouraging the ends upwards as hair rolls onto itself. The key is to keep the shape loose, but secured firmly with lots of pins in a vertical line down the back of your head.
4. Finish with a generous mist of flexible hairspray.

You’ll need: Redken Aerate 08 All-Over Bodifying Cream-Mousse, $28.95, Style Connection Wool Shake 08 Gel-Slush Texturizer, $36.95, and Hairsprays Fashion Work 12, $26.95.
Tip: “At Louis Vuitton, we did a more informal French roll,” says Guido Palau. “The hair was pulled back in a less severe way, with loose strands at the hairline, and the ends were left out of the twist. This gave it an edgy feel.”

FACE FACTS ~ important clues to look out for

Diposting oleh Unknown di 22.44 0 komentar

We all want to be healthy and look our best. Here are some tell tale signs you need to look out for. Your face is exposed to the atmosphere all the time and there are certain signs to let you know when you are not at your optimum healthy self. Here are some signs from Marie Claire August 2012 I want to share with you all.

EYES ~ If the whites of your eyes are completely yellow this means you could have liver issues and you need to see your GP.If there are splotches of yellow or lumps on the eyelids this could mean high cholesterol. Twitchy eyes could mean you may be low in magnesium while dark circles can mean tummy issues. Excessive mucus may mean too much dairy in your diet.

EYEBROWS ~ Thinning eyebrows can be a sign of an under active thyroid.

EYELASHES ~ If you are missing eyelashes this could mean it is time to go for a check up. 

SKIN ~ Dry itchy skin can mean eczema or rosacea. But it can also mean you may be low in iron or a thyroid deficiency. 

LIPS ~ If your lips are constantly dry, cracked and sore you may be dehydrated, so make sure you are getting enough fluids everyday. Wear a lip balm with sunscreen to keep your lips moisturised and help prevent UV damage.


Love. Want. Read. Eat.

Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.55 0 komentar

Love ~ I have a thing about spots. I have just purchased this divine dress from CUE. I cannot wait to wear it. The cut is so flattering. Price $219.00. 

Want ~ Another spot dress on my wish list. I have the dress on hold waiting for me to purchase. Can a girl ever have too many dresses? This spot print dress is available at CUE for $225.00. I have always bought Cue dresses the fabric is always divine and the classic cuts and style are sure t be your favourite for years to come.

Read ~ I have been reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy (I am reading the fifty shades freed) and what can I say, they are certainly an eye opener and the base love story is what anyone could wish for. Have you read the trilogy? 

Eat ~ My daughter, over the weekend made Donna Hay's Choc Chip Cookies. This recipe is just divine.

 180g unsalted butter, softened
 ¾ cup (120g) brown sugar
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 2 eggs
 2 cups (300g) plain flour, sifted
 1 teaspoon baking powder, sifted
 150g dark chocolate, chopped

Preheat oven to 180ÂșC. Place the butter,sugar and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until pale and beat until pale and creamy. Gradually add the eggs and beat well. Add the flour and baking powder and beat until a smooth dough forms. Fold through the chocolate. Roll 2 tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls, place on baking trays lined with non-stick baking paper and press to flatten. Bake for 12–15 minutes or until golden. Allow to cool on the trays. Makes 12.

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Get ready for SUMMER #2

Diposting oleh Unknown di 18.57 0 komentar
beach ready body


FITNESSStress-Busting Moves
These exercises help reduce cortisol levels, helping to achieve a flat tummy and regulate breathing.
Do these before bed for the next fortnight.
BREATHING SQUAT: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms out in front. Inhale and squat as you exhale. Pause for a few seconds and inhale as you return to standing. Repeat 10 times.
ENERGY PUSH: This aids digestion. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms out in front, palms facing out. Inhale and bring your hands in towards your chest. Exhale and push your arms back out to starting position. Repeat 20 times.
LEG TUCK: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale then raise your legs up to your chest as you exhale. Inhale again as you lower your legs. Breathe deeply through your nose. Repeat 15 times.

Change you eating habits one day at a time!


Tuck Into Wholefoods
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your new eating plan, Purcell has one simple, but cardinal, rule: choose foods that are closest to their natural state. That means nixing refined, processed, additive-laden options that have only the barest resemblance to a food that you could find growing on a tree or from the ground, or a food you can catch (like fish, or chicken). "Swap canned vegetables for fresh, avoid ready-made products, like marinated meats, and make as much as you can from scratch – that way, you're in control of everything that goes into your meal," she recommends.
Chew Your Food
Your stomach can only handle a fistful of food at a time, explains Purcell. "That's why portion control is really important. But even when you're eating a smaller meal, your body can't make the most of the nutrients if you're gulping it down. The enzymes in your saliva, along with the chewing motion, get food ready to be digested in the stomach. If you skimp on that process, your stomach can't break down un-chewed food and extract nutrients properly. Plus, you'll end up with digestive issues, including bloating. Chew your food consciously, and put your fork down between mouthfuls. You'll also find you eat less, as your brain has had time to catch up with your stomach."
Stress Less
Stress wreaks havoc on the digestive system and makes staying healthy even harder. "Give yourself permission to relax – meditate, listen to music, swim, dance, even have a glass of wine," says Purcell. "Higher stress levels lead to poor digestion as the blood supply to your digestive tract slows down during the flight or fight response. Plus, any increase in the stress hormone cortisol will lay down fat around our middle. If you're going through a particularly busy period, there are some foods that can help you calm down. Try miso soup with quinoa, vegetable juices, organic chicken broth and blended soups, such as pumpkin."



Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.06 0 komentar

writing in the sand

To live carefree and with freedom we need to let go of what we may think others think of ourselves and our situations. we need to step outside breathe in the fresh air and remind ourselves of who we are and who we want to be.  Do not let small minds convince you that your dreams are to big because they are not. We have been given this life to LIVE and we need to stop waiting for approval from others and make ourselves happy to make others HAPPY.

You only get one life to pursue the dreams that make you come alive. – It is better to be failing (and learning) at doing something you love, rather than succeeding at doing something you hate.  So take chances on behalf of what you believe in.  Fail until you succeed.  Make sacrifices and step out beyond the safety of your comfort zone over and over again.  Face your fears with courage and passion.  Keep your word and hold true to your vision until it comes to life.  

Someone else’s approval is just another opinion. – Never let someone’s opinion become your reality.  Never sacrifice who you are, or who you aspire to be, because someone else has a problem with it.  Love who you are inside and out, and keep pushing forward.  No one else has the power to make you feel small unless you give them that power.  You are the only one who can create your dreams and happiness


The only opinion of you that really matters is your own. – In life, the thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on the desire to be perfect in the eyes of others, and beginning the journey of becoming your true self.  So let your love flow freely.  Because what you love determines your dreams, your dreams determine your actions, and your actions determine your destiny.

Some people will never give you their approval anyway. – Do not let the negative opinions of others destroy your inner peace.  There are two kinds of people – those who are a drain on your energy and creative force, and those who give you energy and support your creativity, even with the simplest gesture, like a smile.  Avoid the first kind.  Be happy.  Be who you want to be.  If others don’t like it, let them be.  Happiness is a choice – YOUR choice.  Life isn’t about pleasing everyone.  

Everyone’s journey and perspective on life is totally different. – Who you are is what makes you extraordinary.  Do not change your unique foundation for anyone.  What lies ahead will always be a bit of a mystery.  Do not be afraid to explore, learn and grow.  Why some things happen will never be certain.  Take it in stride and move forward.  When life pushes you over, stand up and push back even harder.  Where there is a fork in the road and choices to make, make the one your future self will thank you for.


Firsthand experience is often necessary for personal growth. – Some life lessons can only be understood by going through them on your own.  Doing so allows you to form your own conclusions based on firsthand experience, rather than someone else’s subjective opinion.  This experience gives you the ability to think more logically and take educated steps in a positive direction.  

Your intuition requires no approval. – When it comes to exercising your inner genius, you must try what you want to try, go where you want to go, and follow your own intuition.  Don’t accept false choices.  Don’t let others put a cage around your ideas. If it feels right, take a chance.  Because you never know how absolutely perfect it could turn out to be.  As Steve Jobs once said, “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own i
nner voice, heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.”

Life is too short to wait any longer. – If you knew for certain you had a terminal illness – if you had a very limited time left to live – you wouldn’t waste a minute of it.  Well wake up!  You do have a terminal illness; it’s called ‘life.’  In the grand scheme of things, you don’t have much time left – no one does.  So look around at this gift you’ve been given, as its miracles unfold before your eyes.  And choose to be happy, without approval – or you will never be at all.

I have to admit I seek approval often from others and I often also think what will everyone think of any given situation. Reading this gives me hope that I can achieve anything all I have to do is work hard at achieving my goals. My aim is for a happy life for me and my family. Do you wait for or consider others approval?


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