Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

are you using INSTAGRAM?

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.24

Most people are using it is a fabulous medium to update what is happening in their life. As most of us are fashionistas at heart. I have been thinking of starting a frequent feature to add what you are wearing on any given day. It is important to feel good and what we wear and how we look is important for our self esteem. Well I know it makes a difference for me. Update your instagram daily, weekly or when ever you need to show us your sense of style, it does not have to be designer it could be your favourite pyjamas or what you wore on your run or gym class to what you do the housework in. Or your favourite look in a magazine or someone or your favourite clutch, handbag jewellery anything to show us your style. I always love looking at what people are wearing and how they look. 
So lets get the fun started by joining in the fun and add your look or someone else's style you admire to the challenge #whatiworetoday or #lovingtoday. Lets join in with Bec Watts as well over at Yummy Mummies and Mini Me on thursdays with #threadsonthursday. Lets get our fashionista happening by sharing our looks or latest purchases on instagram. Let me know your instagram name so we can all follow and get to know each other through our photos.

I am @shoppegirls and Bec is @becwatts.

Also lets have fun with kids style by adding what your kids are wearing or what you have bought for them with the #juniorepitome. As with all photos you do not need to add the face if you wish to remain anonymous. It is all about sharing yours and your child's style.

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