Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

how to have HOPE

Diposting oleh Unknown di 13.30

I am having a few life changes at the moment and I am constantly in and out with my emotions dealing with certain breakdown of a relationship and losing my father this year. I am on an emotional roller coaster thinking where will I be in the next few months or in a year. My life is about to change dramatically. I do have hope but it is going to be a process for all my family and friends. 


In a harsh world with shootings, murders and all the bad there is always hope and people always wanting to help in any situation. To me the world can be harsh and critical, look what they have been saying about Liesel Jones and how she has been scrutinised with how she looks. Hey may I remind all you critical people out there.....Did you make it to the Olympics? Are you swimming for our country? Take a good hard look at yourself before you go around scrutinising others. She is swimming for our country. GO LEISEL!!!!!!!! You show them girl.

Here is some inspiration for hope from Positively Present

Kindness inspires kindness...

Notice kindness in others. With all the negativity in the media, it's can be hard to believe people are actually good. But they are. Look around and identify the kind acts you see. Pay attention to the doors being held, the favors being done, the smiles being shared. Make a list if you can. In every day, there is kindness, goodness -- you just have to look for it. Choosing to notice the good will make you feel hopeful and will remind you that, in spite of the darkness, there are little glimpses of light. 

Chanel’s Maison Michel Hats
Be grateful for this life. Cliche as it is, the old "every day is a gift" saying rings with truth. Tragedies remind us of life's uncertainty. We really don't know what day will be our last. Now, before you let that idea bum you out, make the choice to see it in a positive light. The unexpectedness of life should not cause you fear; instead, it should inspire you to be thankful for every day, every moment, you're alive. Each moment is a opportunity and to realize that is to have hope.


Avoid negative-only news. 
Most news sources focus p
rimarily on the negative things that have happened over a course of a day. It's important to stay well-informed, but it's just as important not to let the news suck all the hope from your life. If you must watch/read the news, supplement it with some positive news. Seeking out positive news stories and focusing on them will encourage a sense of hopefulness, a belief that goodness really is out there (even if we have to look a little harder for it). 

Be enthusiastic about life. The more you love about your life, the more hope you'll have. If you enjoy what you do, who you're around, and how you feel about yourself, you'll be much more hopeful when faced with negativity. Make an effort to be enthusiastic about life. Spend time doing what you love. Spend time withpeople you love. The things that matter most to you are the things that will help you embrace hope when times are tough; these are the things that will inspire you to believe in the good. 

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